Mandibular Tori, Migraine and Temporo-Mandibular Disorders
Mandibular Tori, Migraine and Temporomandibular Disorders. British Dental Journal 180, 382 – 384 (1996). T Clifford, P J Lamey & L Fartash
In this study, the presence of mandibular tori was related to conditions associated with para functional activity.
Para-function in the form of tooth clenching or grinding has been associated with temporo mandibular disorders (TMD) and recently, migraine. Patients attending a facial pain clinic in Belfast were assessed for the presence of tori and results compared to age and gender matched controls.
The findings were that mandibular tori were present significantly more commonly in both migraineurs and TMD patients.
The results support an association with para-function in the aetiology of mandibular tori and suggest that tori are a useful marker of past or present para-function in some patients.